Located in southern Europe and stretching into the Mediterranean sea, this “boot-shaped” country has a unique culture engulfed in beautiful architecture and landscapes of wide varieties. From the snow-capped Alps, to the waterways of Venice, home to the Vatican, and an unmatched culture of food and wine, the heart of the Roman Empire has endless possibilities to be explored and experienced.
Keep reading to learn more about how you can reclaim your Italian citizenship through your family lineage.
Member of the European Union
Number of Ways to Apply
Generations Removed
Travel Required?
The Italian government has allowed dual citizenship since August 15, 1992, meaning if you meet the proper requirements, you would be able to live, work, and study in any of the 28 countries throughout the European Union with no restrictions.
Many people whose parents, grandparents or great-grandparents were born in the Czech Republic qualify for Italian citizenship through descent. Below are the personal requirements you must meet, as well as the documentation you must be able to present.
Paperwork Requirements
To apply for Italian citizenship, you must have the appropriate documents in order, and of which must be translated into Italian. You must be able to provide translated copies of:
Your own birth certificate, marriage certificate, birth certificates of children, divorce paperwork, and apostille
Your mother and/or father’s birth certificates (for the side who has the Italian lineage)
Your parents’ marriage certificate
Certificates of Naturalization for your ancestors who held Italian citizenship
Death certificates of your relevant Italian ancestors