Citizenship.EU | Ancestry Dual Citizenship 2025


On top of its rich history, housing over 2,100 castles, Germany is also home to the European Union’s largest economy and offers free university education to citizens and non-citizens alike.
Since 2024, Germany allows dual and multiple citizenships. Applicants are no longer required to renounce their previous nationality when acquiring German citizenship.
Member of the European Union
Number of Ways to Apply

Generations Removed

Travel Required?


If you have German ancestry, you may be eligible for German citizenship by descent under the German Nationality Act (Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz – StAG). Unlike some countries, Germany does not allow ancestral claims beyond direct parental lineage, except in cases of Nazi-era persecution.

There is currently only one way to apply for German citizenship using your family lineage.

If you know that you have an ancestor from Germany, we would be happy to discuss whether you can apply for citizenship. Below you will find a brief summary of what is required in order to apply.


Read below to find out who is and is not entitled for German citizenship through descent


1. Citizenship by Parentage (Jus Sanguinis) – Section 4(1)

  • A child automatically acquires German citizenship at birth if at least one parent was a German citizen at the time.
  • This applies regardless of where the child is born.
  • If the German parent was born abroad after December 31, 1999, the child does not automatically receive citizenship unless the birth is registered with German authorities within one year.

2. Citizenship for Descendants of Nazi-Era Persecution – Article 116(2)

  • Individuals stripped of German citizenship between 1933 and 1945 due to political, racial, or religious persecution, as well as their direct descendants, can apply for citizenship restoration.
  • No German residency or language requirement applies.
  • Proof of the ancestor’s citizenship and documentation of persecution are required.

Who Does Not Qualify?

  • Skipping generations: German citizenship cannot be claimed through grandparents or great-grandparents unless the parent directly inherited and retained German citizenship.
  • Loss of citizenship: If an ancestor voluntarily renounced German citizenship or became a citizen of another country before 2000 without special permission, their descendants do not qualify.

Are you required to travel?

Some countries require you to travel in order to receive your citizenship once you have proven to be related to a citizen, however, this is not required by the German government! You can receive your German citizenship without ever leaving your home country.

Discover Your German Citizenship Eligibility

Find out if you qualify to reclaim your family’s EU citizenship through descent. Our expert analysis will determine your eligibility, and if you qualify, we can connect you with professionals for the next steps.
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