Known for its exquisite cuisine, modern art scene, rich history and beautiful countrysides, France is certainly the most visited country in the world for a reason.
Keep reading to learn more about how you can reclaim your French citizenship through your family lineage.
Member of the European Union
Number of Ways to Apply
Generations Removed
Travel Required?
If you have a direct line ancestor who has or had French citizenship, it may be possible to claim your French nationality. Due to French law, if you qualify to reclaim nationality you will most likely need to be represented by a lawyer. All the same, it can still be possible to obtain a French passport. You would be able to live, work, and study in any of the 27 countries throughout the European Union.
There is currently only one way to apply for French citizenship using your family lineage.
If you know that you have a parent or grandparent from France or who otherwise was a French citizen, we would be happy to discuss whether you can apply for citizenship. Below you will find a brief summary of what is required in order to apply.
Since the foundation of the French Republic, it has been legal obligation for a French citizen to inform the French authorities of the birth of a French citizen abroad. Therefore, it will be necessary to argue the case at a court in Paris to obtain French citizenship through descent. Below is more information.
Lineage Requirements
To meet the requirements to argue for French citizenship, you must:
Have a direct line ancestor who had French citizenship
The Ancestor was not deprived of his or her French citizenship
The Ancestor did not renounce his or her French citizenship
The case is most arguable for a parent or grandparent who had/has French nationality
In most cases, have a tangible connection to France and speak at least B2 level French