Known by the capitol, Luxembourg City, which has become well renowned for its medieval architecture and location on gorges and cliffs formed by surrounding rivers, this small country of roughly 600,000 is the second richest in the world. With about 17 kilometers of underground tunnels under Luxembourg city, vast forests, and cuisine that is a unique blend of French and German influences, this small country is one to visit for unique experiences and endless opportunities.
Keep reading to learn more about how you can reclaim your Luxembourg citizenship through your family lineage.
Keep reading to learn more about how you can reclaim your Polish citizenship through your family lineage.
Member of the European Union
Number of Ways to Apply
Generations Removed
Travel Required?
The Luxembourg government has several different procedures available in which families can reclaim their Luxembourg citizenship. This means that if you meet the requirements of one of the articles, you can receive a Czech passport, you would be able to live, work, and study in any of the 28 countries throughout the European Union with no restrictions.
Many people whose parents, grandparents or great-grandparents were born in Luxembourg qualify for Luxembourg citizenship through descent. Below are the personal requirements you must meet, as well as the documentation you must be able to present
Lineage Requirements
To meet the requirements for Czech citizenship, you must have at least one direct ancestor who:
Article 7 – Paternal Lineage Only
You can trace your family line back to a male ancestor born in Luxembourg.
Article 23 – Parent or Grandparent Born in Luxembourg
An individual whose parent or adoptive parent is or was a Luxembourgish citizen
Article 89 – Pre-Qualified Candidates Only
For candidates who started a citizenship application before December 31, 2018.
Paperwork Requirements
To apply for Luxembourg citizenship, you must have the appropriate documents in order, and of which must be translated into Luxembourgish. You must be able to provide translated copies of:
Your own birth certificate
The birth certificate(s) and other relevant documents of your direct Luxembourg ancestor